Complete Unit 9-12
Day-to-day lesson plans and activities you can use in your classroom

9-12 Daily Lessons
Reading and writing skills focused |
Activating Prior Knowledge
o predicting, inferring
o asking questions, inferring, word segmentation, lexical access
o text organizer, word segmentation, lexical access, using contextual clues
o asking questions, identifying supporting details
o summarizing, retelling |
Reading Materials |
2. 提倡环保宣传海报
3. 环保问卷调查
4.《随手做环保》 |
Sentence patterns |
首先,……, 而且/另外,……, 此外, …… (cohesion)
只有……, 才..... v.s. 只要.....,就……。
因为……, 而……。
人们因为滥垦滥伐、乱丢垃圾,而造成…… |
Vocabulary |
Prior knowledge:
Core Vocabulary:
Expand Vocabulary:
自备、随时、随处 |
Article 1
《地球生病了》 |
- Activate prior knowledge and raise students’ interest to the Unit.
- Practice skimming and scanning skill.
Activity 1: Activate prior knowledge
- Recall words for illnesses in Chinese. Write down the words on the board in characters.
- Project 地球生病了 slide (article1_ PPT Slide #1) and ask students to name the associated illnesses that Earth is suffering.
- Ask students the reasons for the Earth to have these illnesses.
Activity 2: Listening and Speaking key words
- This is a game to practice speaking and listening of the three key words in this unit: 爱惜、保护环境/环保、污染.
- Show Slides #2-4 introducing the three words (article1_ PPT Slide #2-4) and ask students to decide the gestures for 爱惜、保护环境/环保、污染
- Students stand in a circle for the game.
- Teacher points a students and that student has to say the word of 保护环境/环保 and act out the gesture of 环保. Simultaneously, the student on the right of the called student acts the gesture for 爱惜 (and say the word) and the student on the right acts the gesture 污染(and say the word).
- Any of the three students cannot perform the gestures or say the words (or perform/say it wrong) is out of the game.
- The student who acted 保护环境/环保 points the next student who will act out and say the word, 保护环境/环保.
- Continue the game and see who will remain to the end.
Activity 3 Pre-reading
- Divide students in pairs.
- Give students the article (article1_text 地球生病了) Each pair discusses and predicts the content of the text and suggest the main purpose of the article.
- Teacher selects a couple of pairs to present their predications.
Activity 4: Scanning the key words 污染、爱惜
- Ask each pair to work together to circle 污染、爱惜 on text (article1_handout task #1) (article1_PPT slide #5-6).
- Cross check the underlines and show the answers on PPT.
- Use iPad or small dry erase boards to practice writing strokes of these two words.
Activity 5: Scanning for specific words
- Ask students to find the following specific words:
- One-character adjective: 薄
- two-character nouns: 身体、河水、空气、北极、冰山、人类、融化
- three-character nouns: 大气层
- four-character idiom: 无家可归
- Check understanding of these new words.
- Review the two key phrases: 爱惜地球、保护环境/环保 (article1_PPT slide #7-8)
Activity 6: Skimming for answers
Activity 7 Brainstorming ideas
- Use the task #4 in the handout. (article1_handout). Pair up students and have them brainstorm the ideas.
- Teacher asks several students to present their ideas.
- Teacher shows more ideas for those questions (article1_PPT slide #13-14).
Activity 8: new pattern只有...才...
- Make sure that students understand the usage of只有...才... in sentenes:人类啊,人类,只有你们爱惜我,我才会成为绿色的地球。
- Divide students in pairs. Use the pattern 只有...才...to complete the sentences in Task #5 (article1_handout).
- Ask students to write three sentences to demonstrate their understanding of Article 1地球生病了. They cannot just copy the sentences from the article.
- Character writing (article1_character writing sheet)
宣传海报 |
Interpret posters using various activities, such as guided reading activities, top-down and bottom-up activities.
There are 6 posters included in article2_all posters.pptx. This lesson demonstrates the instruction of guiding students to interpret 2 posters. The rest 4 posters are assigned as homework.
Guided Reading
Poster 1: Save Water (article2_PPT.pptx slide #2-3)
Give each student the worksheet of article2_poster1 handout.
- Show the poster on Slide #2 “Save Water” and ask students what the person is doing.
- Ask students to guess the meaning of 随手 in the poster. Also, Show Slide #3 with several signs with the word 随手is circled.
- Teach students the phrases 随手关水,节约用水.
- Ask students to suggests ways to save water.
- Divide students in pairs. Work on Task #5 in article2_poster1 handout, brainstorming good habits to protect our environment and bad habits to destroy our environment.
- Select students to present their ideas.
- Each pair works on Task #6 in the handout, suggesting three ways to cultivate good habits to protect our environment, using the pattern 养成…好习惯.
Top-down Activities
Poster 2: Save Resource
Task # 1-3 in the worksheet (article2_poster2 handout)
- Show Poster 2 (article 2 PPT.pptx slide #5) and ask them to focus on the center of the poster.
- Based on the picture, have students to guess the main purpose of the poster (article2_poster2 handout, Task #1-2)
- Divide students in pairs and do the Task #3 in the worksheet: matching the action phrases with the pictures on the right of the poster.
- Select students to present their matchings.
- Explain the difference between air conditioners in United States “control on the wall” and in China “remote control”.
Task # 4-6 in the handout and slide #7-14 in article 2 PPT.pptx.
- Check if students understand the meaning of省.
- Students in pairs work together to circle the numbers after 省 and write down numbers in Column B in the table in Task #4.
- Introduce the sentence pattern “只要…就…” using the table in Task # 4.
- Model one sample of using “只要…就…”: 只要关电脑,就可以省约1040元 (Slide #9 as an example). Students will do the rest three for Task #5.
- Use “只要…就…” to paraphrase the lines of each picture. Demonstrate 只要不用电脑时,就应该关机. Students in pairs paraphrase the phrases circles using “只要…就…” for Task #6 (article 2 PPT.pptx slide #13).
Bottom-up Activities
Poster 2: Save Resource
Task #1-2 汉字开花 (article2_poster2 handout)
- Divide students in pair. Ask each pair to brainstorm the words have the character 电, such as: 电话、电脑、电视、电灯 (Task #1 under Bottom-Up activities)
- Create verb phrases using the nouns mentioned above, such as: 用电脑,开电脑,关电脑…etc.
- Teacher calls out different students to fill out the word map as demonstrating in (article 2 PPT.pptx slide #16)
Task #2-8 (under Bottom-Up activities)
- Ask students to circle the verbs in the large characters under the four pictures on the right of the poster. Students write down the verb phrases in the table in Task #5 (Slide# 17).
- Students draw a box around the word 省 and guess the meaning of the word.
- Students write down numbers in Column B in the table in Task# 5 (Slide #18).
- Introduce the sentence pattern “只要…就…” using the table in Task # 5.
- Model one sample of using “只要…就…”: 只要关电脑,就可以省约1040元. Students will do the rest three for Task #6 (Slide #19-22).
- Use “只要…就…” to paraphrase the lines of each picture. Demonstrate 只要不用电脑时,就应该关机. Students in pairs paraphrase the phrases circles using “只要…就…” for Task #7 (Slide #23-24).
- Divide students in small groups of 3 and discuss the questions in Task #8.
- Whole class discussion: Teacher selects students to present their views.
Provide students the rest 4 posters. Each student selects two posters and writes a short paragraph for each poster, answering the following two questions in the paragraph:
- 这张海报的目的是什么?(use the sentence patterns, such as 养成…好习惯, and 只要…就.)
- 你认为这张海报的设计达到目的了吗?怎么达到的?
Reading Rubric |
Interpretive Performance Assessment (IPA) rubric provides the criteria to evaluate learners’ performance in literal and interpretive/reading comprehension (see IPA_interpretive mode rubic).
The activity designed in this lesson helps students to:
- raise awareness and understand the criteria
- evaluate their weaknesses and strengths in reading
- set goals to advance their reading skills
IPA Activity
- Print the 2nd page of IPA_activity and cut into small pieces. Divide students into small groups of 3-4 students.
- Each group will have a blank table (IPA_activity page #1) and a set of papers in small pieces cut from page 2.
- The task for each group is arrange the statements (in the small pieces of papers) according to the criteria in the IPA rubric. (Provide glues for groups to stick the papers to the blanks in the ruble table.)
- Once the rubric table is complete. Facilitate a whole-class discussion on how one can use this rubric to evaluate and improve one’s reading skills.
Article 3
《调查问卷》 |
- Interpret a survey
- Design a survey
Activity 1: Review and Introducing objectives
- Use Slide #2 to review key words learned previously, and Slide #3 to review the sentence patterns养成…好习惯 and 只要…就(article3_PPT).
- Introduce objectives: interpret a survey and design a new survey. Use Slide #4 in article3_PPT. Review the three ways to protect our environment: recycle “分类回收”, reuse “再利用”, and reduce “节约资源”.
- Ask students to think about which group they want to join and write a survey for it.
Activity 2: Analyze the introduction in a survey
- Give each student the survey (article3_survey) and the handout (article3_handout.)
- Divide students in pairs and do Section 1 in the handout.
- Students first scan the key words and sentence patterns in the introduction.
- Then, ask students to focus on how to write an introduction for a survey. Following the graphic organizer “flower pedals” in Section 1 to fill in the five elements in the survey introduction.
Activity 3: Develop a survey introduction
- Divide students in three groups, “Recycle”, “Reuse” and “Reduce,” based on their choices.
- Each group discusses and writes an introduction for their survey centering on the topic they choose, either “Recycle”, “Reuse” or “Reduce” (Section 2 in the handout).
Activity 4: Interpret and Complete a survey
- Divide students in groups of 3-4.
- Use Slide #5 (article3_PPT) to guide students to identify the purpose of each question.
- The whole class does Q1, Q2 and Q10 in the survey together (article3_survey).
- Students in each group takes turn reading the questions and choices for the rest of questions Q3-Q9.
- Students should ask if they cannot comprehend any of the questions.
- Once they comprehend the survey questionnaires. Ask them to actually do the survey in Google Survey online. The class reviews the survey results later.
Activity 5: Classify Survey Questions
- Classify survey questions Q3-Q9 (article3_survey) to three categories: recycle, reuse, or reduce. See Section 3 in the handout and use Slide #6 in PPT.
- This activity also helps students to build necessary vocab for their future survey.
Activity 6: Survey Question Types
- Show Slide #7 to explain the question types in a survey, questions asking experience, attitude or action.
- Divide students in small groups and identify the question types in the survey, using the graphic organizer in Section 4 in the handout.
Activity 7: Read and Present Survey Results
- Demonstrate the interpretation of survey results. Use Slide #8.
- Example. If the result of Q6 is as follows:
Q6 你会自带水瓶和餐具吗?
A. 经常会 (10%) B. 有时候会 (20%)
C. 很少会 (60%) D. 不会 (10%)
The result report states:
百分之六十的人很少会自带水瓶和餐具 。
百分之二十的人有时候会自带水瓶和餐具 。
百分之十的人经常会自带水瓶和餐具 。
百分之十的人不会自带水瓶和餐具 。
- Students in pairs first work on Section 6.1 (article3_handout) practicing stating “percentage” in Chinese.
- Then, students join their own groups of “recycle,” “reuse,” and “reduce” and do Section 6.2 and 6.3.
- Each group prepares a poster to report survey results. Place the posters on wall and have students walk around the classroom to view the survey report as Gallery Walk. Students are given two questions while reviewing the results:
1) 这个社区在垃圾分类,再利用,节约这三方面做的成果如何?
- After the Gallery Walk, the whole class discusses the above two questions based on the survey results.
Activity 8: Design and Conduct a Survey
- Each group (recycle, reuse, reduce) is required to design a survey.
- Students in each group revise the Introduction written in Activity 2, if needed.
- Then, define the community and brainstorm the survey questions. Each student should at least develop 3 questions (Slide #9 in article3_PPT)
- Develop the survey in Google Survey.
- Conduct the survey in the community the group decides.
- Prepare a report based on the survey results.
- The survey and survey report are part of summative assessment.
The reading activities in the following are designed, based on the same authentic text 《随手做环保》, for different proficiency levels: Intermediate Low (IL), Intermediate Mid (IM), and Intermediate High (IH). For IH students, the original text is used. The text is modified for IM and IL students. The reading activities demonstrate that the same authentic reading can be used for various levels. The keys are 1) modify authentic material to appropriate levels; 2) design effective activities guiding students to interpret the text. |
《随手做环保》Intermediate-High |
- Scan and skim the key information of a reading text.
- Present the text organization in a graphic organizer.
- Compare书面语 and 口语.
- Present ideas of using recycled materials to create new products.
Materials: article4_IH PPT, article4_IH handout, article4_IH text
Activity 1: Warm-Up
- Show PPT Slide #2-4 (article4_IH PPT), pictures of creative products.
- Ask students to discuss with their partner: 1) How these products were created? 2) How is this product related to protecting our environment?
- Teacher shows Slide #5 emphasizes the creative ways to reuse material ( 再利用.)
Activity 2: Skimming for main ideas
- Help students to review the key words learned previously: 回收、污染、随(时)、垃圾、 环境、保护/环保、分类、资源、节约/省、塑料袋、再利用、爱惜
- Divide students in small groups. Distribute the handout (article4_IH handout). The text《随手做环保》 is on Page 1 in the handout.
- Each group works together to underline the key sentences/phrases in the text《随手做环保》paragraph by paragraph (Activity 1 in the handout).
- Check each group the key sentences/phrases in each paragraph underlined.
- Show Slide #6-9 to confirm the key sentences/phrases in each paragraph.
Activity 3: Identify the text organization
- Each group draws a graphic organizer based on key sentences/phrases (Activity 2 in the handout). Check different graphic organizers online. Several graphic organizers are provided in Slide #10.
- Each group presents their graphic organizer digitally and receives feedback from the whole class.
Activity 4: Scanning the text for connectors
- Review the connector words, such as 因为…所以、结果、总之. Stress the roles of connectors as cohesiveness in writing.
- Ask each student to circle the connectors in text (Slide #11-12)
Activity 5: 书面语
- Explain differences between书面语 “written language” and口语 “speaking language” and give examples, such as书面语: 无 (=没有) , 饮 (= 喝), 其 (= 他的or 她的), etc.
- Ask students to mark the written expressions 书面语 in the first paragraph (Slide #13-14).
- Introduce three 书面语:以、然而…却 、因此. Do Activity 4b in the handout, a matching exercise between书面语and口语 (Slide #15-16).
- Practice 书面语 in Activity 4c in the handout, filling in blanks (Slide #17-18).
- Replace the written language with speaking expression in the first paragraph (Slide #19).
Activity 6: Assessment
- Explain the assessment project. Show Slide #20 of products created by using recycled or reused materials. Explain how they are created (Explanation is provided in Page 3 of the handout).
- Produce a 2-slide PPT presentation.
- First slide: search online and select a product made by reused/recycled material. Explain how the product is made, using what material.
- Second slide: present your ideas of using recycled material to make a new product.
- In your speaking presentation, use as many as vocabulary learned in this unit, such as 回收、再利用、创新、保护环境 and use connectors.
- Check presentation rubric in Page 3 of the handout.
《随手做环保》Intermediate-Mid |
Scan and skim the key information of a reading text, using a graphic organizer.
Materials: article4_IM handout, article4_IM graphic organizer.
Activity 1: Find the Main Ideas
- This activity helps students read the article via finding key word / phrase in each paragraph.
- Divide class in groups of 3- 4. Give each student the handout (article4_IM handout). The text is on Page 1 of the handout.
- Provide each student a graphic organizer (article4_IM graphic organizer).
- Each group reads the text, paragraph by paragraph, following the instructions in Task 1 (article4_IM handout.)
- Fill out the graphic organizer based on the main ideas in each paragraph.
Activity 2: Title of the article
- Based on the information presented in the graphic organizer and discuss with your group members to give this article a title.
- Explain the reasons to support the title (Task 2 in the handout).
- The whole class decide a best title for the article.
《随手做环保》Intermediate-Low |
Use graphic organizer to guide students’ reading (scan and skim the key information of the reading text).
Materials: article4_IL graphic organizer, article4_IL PPT, article4_IL Text Color, article4_text.
Preparation for the Jigsaw Activity
Print color copies of article4_IL Text color. Each paragraph is in different color (first paragraph is in blue, second paragraph is in red…etc.) Each paragraph is labeled with a number (1-5). For example, there are 5 first paragraphs (in blue), and they are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively. Cut out each paragraph, group the same paragraphs together and set aside for Jigsaw Activity below.
Warm-up (article4_IL PPT)
Ask students to recall what was learned from Articles 1, 2, 3.
Jigsaw Activity
Expert Group:
- Divide the students into 5 groups as Expert Groups.
- Give each group a set of paragraphs. For example, one Expert Group is given 5 sets of first paragraphs which are in blue; another Expert Group receives 5 sets of second paragraphs in red…etc. Each member of a group gets a cut-out paragraph of the SAME color.
- The members in Expert Groups take turn reading his/her paragraph and help each other identifying the main idea the paragraph.
- Use Slide #4-5 in article4_IL PPT.
Home Group:
- Regroup the students in 5 “Home Groups” by the number on their paragraph sheet. For example: blue 1, red 1 , orange 1, green 1, black 1 are all in Group 1. (Slide #6)
- In Home Groups, each member takes turn reading aloud his/her paragraph and explains the main idea of the paragraph.
- Then, the members in Home Groups work together to order the 5 paragraphs in correct order based on the main ideas presented in the paragraphs.
- Give each Home Group the graphic organizer (article4_IM graphic organizer.)
- The members in Home Groups work together to arrange the 5 paragraphs in correct order based on the main ideas presented in the paragraphs. They use the graphic organizer to help the arrangement (Slide #7).
- Select a couple of groups to present their arrangements.
- Use slide #8 to present the answer key regarding the sequence of paragraphs.
- Give each student the article (article4_IL text). Each group works together to summarize the article and provide it a title.
- Each group presents their title and the summary.
Summative Assessment |
Assessment 1
Submit the survey and report survey results.
Assessment 2
Discuss with students the main message of the video. Tie it back to the students’ survey. Discussion questions: What are your findings from your survey? People within your community, your family, your friends, are they environmentally conscious?
Assessment 3
Announce the opportunity to make a difference for our Earth. Southern California Chinese-American Environmental Protection Association (www.sccaepa.org) partnering with Chinese Language Association for Second-Elementary Schools (www.classk12.org) are calling for submissions of writing to promote environmental protection awareness across America. Chinese language students are asked to submit action plans for their communities. Scholarships will be available to the top 10 proposals. This is a great opportunity for students to voice the urgency to protect Earth and act within their communities.
Hand out the instruction for the persuasive writing (summative_persuasive writing).
Remind students to check the evaluation rubric for the writing (summative_rubric presentational writing). |